Telltale Games Releases Fresh ‘The Wolf Among Us: In Sheep’s Clothing’ Screenshots


Telltale Games has found a niche of sorts; they release very good, episodic, essentially quick-time event driven games. The Walking Dead  was a runaway success, breaking away from the story of the TV series to follow the comics a little more closely. Tough choices and the most adorable character in recent memory have forced players to keep coming back. Then they struck lightning twice with The Wolf Among Us, another episodic title that focuses on a secret society of fairy tale creatures living amongst humans.

Anyone who played the first three episodes knows it’s not a fairy tale world, though. The game is gritty, tough and will have you questioning your ability to make snap decisions. Episode four is on the horizon, but with longer than expected wait times it’s hard to know when it’s coming. That’s why little tidbits like Telltale Games releasing screenshots are always great to help keep us in the loop. It more than likely means development is moving along and they have some work to show. Check them out below:

Wolf Among Us 1


wolf among us 2


Bigby seems to be a little worse for wear in the top image and is a wolf-man on a mission in the last. Do these newest screenshots get you excited for episode four? What’s your favorite Telltale Games episode? Let us know below.

Source: TellTame Games Official Press Release