PS4 Delayed Bundles Pre-Ordered At Target Are Automatically Cancelled


Due to the delays of Watch Dogs and DriveClub, people have been curious about their PS4 bundle pre-orders. GameStop and Amazon have publicly issued statements, but Target has taken a silent approach; and one that might rub gamers the wrong way. Target has chosen to cancel PS4 bundles containing Watch Dogs and DriveClub. Reddit user Airbornefeline_ has posted the following screenshot of an email they received:

It is unfortunate that Target has taken a route that means people lose their pre-order in its entirety. They will take pre-orders for the PS4 again on October 25 but it’s on a first come, first served basis. Those who lost their pre-order due to the game delays aren’t guaranteed a second pre-order. Currently listed bundles include Call of Duty: Ghosts, Knack, Battlefield 4, and Killzone: Shadow Fall but they are not available to pre-order as of now. If you lost your pre-order, keep your eyes open on October 25 and try to get your pre-order back on track as fast as possible so you won’t miss out when the PlayStation 4 launches.

(Source: Escapist Magazine, Reddit)