Dark Souls 2: First Impressions of the Full Game


Vaatividya has been pretty busy lately. Busy as in “busy playing the full version of Dark Souls 2“! Check out his impressions of the full game below:

More relevant links can be found below, courtesy of Vaatividya:

â–ºMatt Lees Analysis (gameplay): http://youtu.be/Fbl-DC9LMno
â–ºDaveControlLive’s Analysis (lore): http://youtu.be/Nb5nF_hWyRU

â–ºDark Souls 2: http://bit.ly/1kOc0BF
â–ºDark Souls Lore: http://bit.ly/13x6nNs
â–ºDemon’s Souls Lore: http://bit.ly/16mIF86
â–ºSOULS NEWS: http://bit.ly/13aO0At
â–º50 Things You Didn’t Know: http://bit.ly/1miCJ4O
â–ºDark Souls Modded: http://bit.ly/1atJKeA

Dark Souls 2 releases on March 11th in North America, March 13th in Japan, and March 14th in Europe.