If this is what next-gen’s about, then sign me the heck up! Feast your eyes on 6 minutes of exquisite Killzone Shadowfall multiplayer goodness. Gotta love those satisfying kill-chirps. November 15th can’t come soon ...
Remember a time, before online gaming existed? When the 10 year-old that cursed you out was your little brother sitting next to you, instead of some brat from another state? When multiplayer meant fighting for couch space so th...
Hey, Spawners! This is the beginning of a new regular feature, the SFQA, in which we, the SpawnFirst writing staff, answer a single question a week about games. This question will change from week-to-week, and we’d love f...
While The Last of Us might be geared toward an emotional single player experience, that doesn’t mean the multiplayer has been forgotten about. In fact, the focused, tactical, teamwork-based online has turned into some of the...